Pre- and Post-Operative Care
Care Alternatives, Inc offers patients total care and peace of mind for Pre- & Post-Operation.
We coordinate with physicians to create a plan of care before and after surgery. According to the patient's needs, we have the ability to provide basic caregiver services to more specialized medical services from Registered Nurses. The patient will be ready for their procedure, as well as have a plan for a smooth, healthy recovery.
Common Medical Procedures & Conditions requiring Home Care
Hip & Knee Replacement
Cosmetic Surgery
Foot Surgery
Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, Dementia
Shoulder/Back Surgery
Post-Stroke Care
After certain medical Procedures, Medicare may pay for a limited amount of Skilled Home health Services for patients over 65 years old, including but not limited to a Registered Nurse's visit, physical and occupational therapy, as well as a social worker.
Please contact us with any of your questions, including Medicare coverage regarding Home Health Services.